The evidence of the infallibility of the Prophets
In discussion, a Muslim brother conceded that, even though he accepted prophetswere free of sin, he could not agree that they were incapable of making mistakes/errors.Is there any evidence in the Qur’...
The companions of the Prophet (PBUH)
Why do Shi’ah believe that the majority of the Prophet’s companions went astray after he passed away. I sometimes wonder how the mission of the Prophet (PBUH) can be considered a success, if he only m...
The validity of opinions in certain contexts
On p. 160 in Muhammad al-Tijani’s book, Then I was Guided, he appears to infer that the following Qur’anic quotation refers to Imam Ali (A.S). Maulana Maududi’s commentary however explains that this r...
The revelation of certain ayaat
When was the ayah ‘I have today perfected your religion’ – ‘al-Yawm Akmaltu lakum Dinakum’ – revealed?