Shi'ism and Khilafah
According to my understanding, Shi’ah is an Arabic word for group. No such group apparently existed prior to the institution of the caliphate – khalafah – and it was only instituted to oppose Abu Bakr...
Shi'a references on Leadership
I would be most grateful if you would help me locate references on the shi’ah view of leadership and dissimulation.
The followers of Amir-ul-mumineen (A.S)
Although enemies of Ali (A.S) the leader of the faithful – Amir-ul-Muminin – are considered to be illegitimate, Salman al-Farsi was a Shi’ah – despite his parents being fire worshippers. In our presen...
The belief in the error-free Imams
Is belief in Imam Ali (A.S) being error-free – m’asum – an essential part of Shi’ah belief?