Shi'a references on Leadership
I would be most grateful if you would help me locate references on the shi’ah view of leadership and dissimulation.
The validity of opinions in certain contexts
On p. 160 in Muhammad al-Tijani’s book, Then I was Guided, he appears to infer that the following Qur’anic quotation refers to Imam Ali (A.S). Maulana Maududi’s commentary however explains that this r...
The 12th Imam (ATFS)
Before the 12th Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance) went into the major occultation, why didn’t he explain in great detail the scope of the authority that jurists would have in his absence.
Supplications - Dua
I relied on the effectiveness of the prayer of supplication – du’a – which pleads for the help and support of Ali (A.S), champion of Islam, supported by Allah, who gained extraordinary victories over ...