What is the significance of the duty – amaal – for the 23rd night of Ramadan? Why are Surahs Ankabut, Rum and Dukhan specifically recited on that night?

a. The centrality of Surah Ankabut is faith – iman. The iman which inspires sincere effort rather than being a mere statement. An iman which remains steadfast in all circumstances and provides strength to face all challenges. The content of this surah concerns the existence and examination of the extent of ones’ faith. Allah ordained hardships and difficulties for all nations.

b. The centrality of Surah Rum is that victory is achieved through truth. This starts with Allah’s promise realised in Rome’s victory over Persia. The subject then moves to His promise for the future resurrection of humankind and then on to the success of the Prophet Muhammad’s mission.

c. The centrality of Surah Dukhan is the revelation of the Qur’an. The revelation on this blessed night confirms the advantages of remaining on, as well as the disadvantages of, straying from the ‘right path’.

We draw benefit during this night, from concentrating on
Iman and being tested – Surah Ankabut
The victory of death – Surah Rum
The Revelation of Qur’an – Surah Dukhan