The legality of Islamic marriage
Is the legality of a marriage affected by its not having been articulated in the Arabic language?
In former times, jurists preferred to pronounce all contracts, including marriage, in Arabic. This is based on the fact that all original Islamic references are in that language.
However, according to contemporary jurists, any language, particularly mother tongues, which clearly convey the precise meaning of the marriage formula, is acceptable. The marriage formula consists of an offer and an acceptance. After agreeing the value of the marriage gift from the husband, the bride declares that she wishes to offer herself to be the wife of –– on receipt of the gift.
The groom then announces his acceptance of her offer of marriage on the stipulated terms.
In many cultures, especially those from the East, people ask someone else, preferably a
religious scholar, to act on the bride’s behalf in offering herself as a wife. This is of course
entirely acceptable.