Rulings regarding replica shrines
Many believers – muminin – throughout the world, particularly those with forefathers from the subcontinent of India, have established Husayniyyahs, Imam Barghas and Islamic Centres. These places frequently have special display cabinets to house replicas of the shrines of the Ahl al-Bayt (A.S), the standard – Alam of Hazrat Abbas (A.S) – and a replica of the water bag he carried. Such cabinets are invariably prominently sited in both the men’s and women’s sections of such places and are often illuminated and/or decorated. Both men and women kiss them, stand close by them to pray and ask for their appeals to be answered; it is almost as though they think they are at those shrines themselves. Are there any legal opinions – fatwas – about making such replicas or on the respect they are to be afforded? Indeed, is having, decorating, praying and kissing them permitted?
Replicas of the shrines of our Imams may remind us of them and help us concentrate when we request anything from Allah Almighty. However, all of us must remain aware that they are only replicas and aides-mémoir. It is Allah alone who is able to answer our wishes. In the past, when travel was expensive, arduous and very long, most people were not able to visit the different shrines; however, air travel and affluence have made such visits more easily accessible and will, God willing – Insha Allah – replace the need for them.