Shi'ism and Khilafah
According to my understanding, Shi’ah is an Arabic word for group. No such group apparently existed prior to the institution of the caliphate – khalafah – and it was only instituted to oppose Abu Bakr...
What should our attitude be towards the first three Khalifahs?
The error-free Imams
As we believe our Twelve Imams to be error-free – M’asumin – why do they themselves often ask God for forgiveness? Most of our prayers of supplication – du’a – are from the Imams and these clearly ind...
The validity of opinions in certain contexts
On p. 160 in Muhammad al-Tijani’s book, Then I was Guided, he appears to infer that the following Qur’anic quotation refers to Imam Ali (A.S). Maulana Maududi’s commentary however explains that this r...